Fanlisting Info

So what is a fanlisting, anyway? Well, the short version is that it's exactly what it sounds like: a list of fans. Fanlistings exist for just about every subject you can think of, from TV series and movies to historical figures to brands of soap!

But fanlistings can be a lot more than just a list! Many fanlisting owners expand their sites to have beautiful graphics, fanworks like stories and music videos, and much more. Many fanlistings also allow fan submissions, letting fans from all over the world get in on the fun. Joining a fanlisting is a lot like "liking" a page on Facebook, but without the baggage of distant family members and the burden of having to sign all your personal data away.

You can learn more about fanlistings at The Fanlistings Network, an online directory of almost all the fanlistings that can be found on the web. So now that you know, I hope you'll add your name to the list and join in on the fun!

Site Info

This site was adopted from Veronica and was opened February 27, 2008. The site is titled "Making Magic" because, before performing a makeover, Kiri often tells her clients that she's going to work a little magic on them. I thought it was a good title for the site!