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Hello Again, KFU !

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:05 pm
by Keran_Shadlag
Hey everybody!

I hope you're all doing alright. I just wanted to check in. I think I told the board, but I found my Kida in China and got marrried in the Philippines. "Where the dream takes you," I know.

I'm still studying Atlantean over at Yahoo Group Atlantean Language Group, and currently there's even one other active scholar, which is awesome. It's not Na'vi, but it's still cool.

I finally found a job as an new researcher (sounds cool, I know) for investigative journalism, and I'm trying to figure out and persue grad school for a year from now. Egyptology or Early Christian literature. Tough choice, for me. I spend hours and hours in the biggest library in the state, doing my thing in as many languages as possible.

I hope you're all doing well, old faces or new. My Kida sends her best wishes.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:47 pm
by Keran_Shadlag
So you-all don't forget your roots, here's a quick Atlantean lesson:

(Google "Atlantean Language Institute" for the latest. Updates in a month.)

Hello! Supak!
Hi! Toh!
Good-bye! Gamok!

I'm enjoying this! Kwiyim-le-kik! (Enjoy-indeed-now-I!)
Good ! ./Very good ! / Better ! / Best !
Badeg ! / Po badeg ! / Badeg-lag ! / Badeg-bey!
Bad ! Karok !

I should ... / ...-se-kik
I want to ... / ... wanat-e-kik
I need ... / ... alit-e-kik.
I will .... / -o-nik.
I will try ... / ... genoh-o-nik.
I can ... / bog-e-kik.
I might ... / ...-ge-kik.
I should not ... / Kwam ...-se-kik.
I really want to ... / ... wanat-le-kik.

accept shayod-esh
allow weros
ask basheb
believe kerod
borrow lepen
break tanoh
bring bernot
buy mohed-esh
cancel pasil
change habed
clean re-karok
comb lakap
come from saldup
complain bakar
cough bayer
count komtib
cut sekot
dance kwiyot
draw kudob
drink baton
drive tak
eat et
explain badoy
fall demoh
fill pasil
find komtib
finish pasil
fit terok
fix re-yan
fly keyer
forget ekpann
get to kwetip
give bernot
go ot
have bernot
hear epkel
hurt neshin
know panneb
learn panneb
leave ekot
listen epkel
live wesh
look sapoh
lose mutil
love mat
make/do shayod
open derek
close/shut derem
organize larid
pay mohed
play kwiyim
put genoh
rain kulon
read sapoh
reply re-bash
run rosh
say basheb
see gamos
sell mohed
send bernot
sign kudob
sing ket
sit debak
sleep derem
smoke kayer
speak basheb
spell kudoh
spend mohed
stand tabak
study panneb
succeed kuleb
swim nawen
take bernot
talk basheb
teach panneb-esh
tell basheb
think kaper
translate hadig
travel wegen
try genoh
turn off dewok
turn on tawok
type wokud
understand doyin
use -esh
wait satib
wake up re-dem
watch sapoh
work shayod
worry sokap
write kudob

message board wo-kunoh
on the internet / wo-kom-tem net
off the internet / wo-kom-tem ek

person lud
people lud-en
man tab
boy bawteb
woman matim
girl bawmet
grown-up alok
child alish
this / these / that / those neb neb-et deb deb-et

If something gets something done to it, it has -tem:
I ate the apple.
Geden-tem et-i-mik.
Apple-ACC eat-PAST-I.

Past: -i- : et-i-mik, Future -o- et-o-nik
I you he/she/it we you-all they
-ik en ot kem eh toh

I love you. Moh-it mat-e-kik. You-ACC love-PRES-I.
We love her. Tuh-it mat-e-kem.
I you he/she/it we you-all they
kag moh tug/tuh/tok gwis gabr/gebr sob
(gabr is informal, the other's formal, I think)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:00 pm
by Kidagakash85
Wow, Keran! Congratulations! I will have to stop by the Yahoo group!