The girl: Chieko Kawabe was born in Tokyo on February 24, 1987. She began modeling at a young age, including various spots for the fashion magazine, Love Berry. As an actress, her biggest roles include Sailor Mercury in the stage musical Sera Myu, and Usagi's best friend, Naru, in the live-action television drama, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. She also has released numerous singles (many of which have been used as themes in popular anime), and her first album, "Brilliance," was released in March of 2005. Chieko has worked as a radio personality and TV host, runs her own kaatsu training salon and teaches Pilates, previously wrote a cooking blog, and has a bachelor's degree in law.

On August 8, 2008, Chieko married producer Masato Ochi. On May 21, 2010, she gave birth to their first child, a daughter. The couple amicably divorced in 2015. In 2020 she met her second husband, an osteopathic doctor, while she was teaching a Pilates class. They married in December of 2020.

The site: I was already a fan of Chieco from seeing her as Naru in PGSM, so when I bought her first single, I was hopeful that I wouldn't be disappointed--and I wasn't! Chieco's singing voice is very good and she has a wide range: she can sound deep and soulful or youthful and peppy. Her songs are catchy and demonstrate her versatility as a singer. She had already made a place in my heart as one of my favorite actresses, so I was thrilled to get her fanlisting.

The site title is taken from her first album. Not only is "Brilliance" a great song (and a great CD, for that matter), but it captures Chieco's essence--she is a brilliant singer and actress.

The fanlistings: Some of you may be curious as to what exactly a fanlisting is. The basic definition, from TheFanlistings, is a list of fans of a certain thing from all over the world. The goal of this fanlisting is to form friendships between very different people from very different places through their common fandom--in this case, Chieco Kawabe/Chieko Ochi.