Brilliance: The Chieco Kawabe Fanlisting
Welcome to "Brilliance," the approved fanlisting for the talented Japanese model, actress, and singer, Chieko Kawabe (also known as Chieco, and previously by her former married name Chieko Ochi). Use the navigation boxes above to check out the different areas of the site, and if you're a fan of Chieco, please join!

Approved by The Fanlistings Network

Site Stats
Last updated: July 09, 2024
Member count: 145
Pending members: 0
Webmiss: Lisa

Latest Update
One new member: Welcome to Marisa!

Credits & Legal
This site is an unofficial, non-profit fansite, and I am in no way connected to Chieco. The layout was made using an image from Chieco's "Sakura Kiss" single. The programs used were ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5 and Pixie. It is best viewed in IE with 1024x768 resolution or higher.