I know, I know. Rules put a damper on the party. But these ones are easy, I promise!

1) You must be a fan of Chieco Kawabe/Chieko Ochi. (duh)

2) You must provide a name. You may use a nickname or screenname if you so desire.

3) If you use your real name, your first name will do just fine; please don't give me your full name, we don't want internet stalkers to find you. If a last name is given, I will only display your first name.

4) You also have to provide your geographic location (the point of the fanlisting is to unite fans world-wide, so this just helps prove to everyone how widespread Chieco's fandom is) and your e-mail address, but if you don't want your e-mail made public, just let me know and I won't display it.

5) Please only join the listing ONCE. I know this sounds silly, but recently lots of people have been joining twice, only with two different e-mail addresses. Join once, and if you wish to edit your information (e.g., new e-mail address) please go here.

6) If you have a website, it would be really nice if you put up one of the buttons found here, and linked it to It's not required, but you'd do it anyway, to promote the fandom, right? *wink wink*

7) Please, no direct linking!

Those aren't hard, right? Now, please feel free to join!