Old memories die hard. Another year has passed..! I shall never forget the memories that I cherished from here.
Some of the things I said back then are truly cringeworthy. It is quite comical to look back at some of the older posts that I, and others naturally, made back in the day. My english was an absolute mess back then! One thing for sure that will always strike me deep in the heart is when I enter the forums and see the "icon" or "banner" in the top left with 'Kidagakash Fans Unite!'. It always makes me remember when I was young, confused and infatuated by Kida!
Safe to say that Atlantis was a big part of me in growing up. Now I'm 26, still keeping the Alantis spirit alive when I can (I watch the movie every few months or so.) and remember things I hold dear.
To old friends..!

Maybe we shall meet again in Atlantis beyond the wide yonder one day.