Before 100,000 B.C.
A giant comet passes close to the earth. A piece breaks off and lands on a landmass inhabited by people known as Atlanteans. The crystal fragment quickly becomes their power source, inspiring technology and providing long life. Eventually it also becomes their deity, known as the "Heart of Atlantis." (DVD)
c 18086 B.C.
Kashekim Nedakh of Atlantis is born. (WWW)
c 6586 B.C.
Princess Kidagakash of Atlantis is born. (WWW)
The Atlanteans begin to abuse their power, building a powerful armada and dominating other civilizations. They wage war with other nations but a severe accident causes the majority of Atlantis to be destroyed. What survives is buried deep within the earth and the planet is flooded. (Film, DVD)
The Queen merges with the Heart of Atlantis. King Kashekim Nedakh is blinded. (Film)
The King orders all records of the crystal destroyed in order to avoid further catastrophe. The crystal is hidden beneath his throne room. (DVD)
Over a two year period, Aziz travels to Atlantis and writes detailed notes about his voyage. Most of these notes are written in Atlantean and thus indecipherable to the outside world. These notes would become known as the Scrolls of Aziz and later the Shepherd's Journal. (WWW, DVD)
640-559 B.C.
Solon is told the story of Atlantis by a priest he meets in Egypt. (WWW)
355 B.C.
Plato writes about Atlantis. (Historical record)
Second Century B.C.
Scholars bring the Scrolls of Aziz to Rome. They are later assailed by the armies of Maxentius. (WWW)
Rome is plundered by the armies of Maxentus and the scrolls taken. (WWW, DVD)
Maxentius is turned back at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge by Constantine. Constantine strengthens the weakening Roman Empire and moves the capital to Constantinople. He sets his best scholars to work on decoding the Scrolls of Aziz. (WWW)
The Scrolls of Aziz are stolen by a Turkish treasure hunter and brought to the coast of Iceland. The treasure hunter becomes ill and later dies. The Scrolls are left in the care of monks on the island of Lindisfarne. They cut and bind the pages, adding illuminations. (WWW, DVD)
c 500
Chichen Itza is established. (Historical record)
The island of Lindisfarne is plundered by Vikings and the Journal stolen. The expedition is later destroyed and the Journal is lost for 100 years. (WWW, DVD)
c 800
Significant additions are made to the structure of Chichen Itza by the Toltecs. (Historical record)
c 900
Thorfinn vows to return the Journal to its rightful home in Iceland. His followers become known as the Keepers of the Journal. (WWW, DVD)
A Viking expedition in search of Atlantis is destroyed by Leviathan. The Journal is lost at sea.
(Viking Prologue)
The Journal makes its way to the New World, possibly traveling with Viking colonists. Snorri Karlsefini mounts an expedition to find the city described in the Journal, but returns to Europe empty-handed. The Journal is left behind, possibly bartered away in return for safe passage home. (WWW, DVD)
The images in the book are used by the Mayans as the template for various works of notable architecture, including Chichen Itza. (WWW, DVD)
Reports of a bound manuscript matching the description of the Journal surface. (WWW)
The Journal is stolen by former Mayans and taken far south to Guiana. The Journal goes unread for the next 200 years and is believed to contain great evil. (WWW, DVD)
Leonardo DaVinci is born. (Historical record)
Amerigo Vespucci meets and becomes friends with Leonardo DaVinci. (WWW, DVD)
The Journal is given to Amerigo Vespucci by former Mayans. He tries to decipher it but cannot. (WWW, DVD)
Vespucci gives the Journal to Leonardo DaVinci. DaVinci fully translates it and becomes inspired by the scientific accounts contained within. (WWW, DVD)
c 1502
The Journal is confiscated and returned to Spain by Cesare Borgia. The Journal is locked up within the castle of Ferdinand V and mostly forgotten about. (WWW, DVD)
Leonardo DaVinci dies. (Historical record)
Philip II of Spain becomes fascinated by the Journal. (WWW, DVD)
El Escorial is built by King Philip II of Spain. It is meant to commemorate San Lorenzo and is inspired by the designs in the Journal. (WWW, DVD)
The book is officially christened "The Shepherd's Journal" by Pope Sixtus V. (WWW, DVD)
The Medicis acquire the Journal and return it to Florence, adding it to the collection at the Uffizi. (WWW, DVD)
Christopher Wren facilitates the loan of the Shepherd's Journal to Cambridge University. (WWW, DVD)
c 1776
George III of Britain gives the Journal to Louis XVI and Marie Antionette of France to curry their favor in the dispute between England and the American colonies. (WWW, DVD)
Benjamin Franklin studies the Shepherd's Journal while in Versailles. (WWW, DVD)
Records of the Shepherd's Journal are lost during the French Revolution. (WWW, DVD)
The Journal reappears in Egypt. Napoleon's troops recover the Journal and prepare to return it to France along with the Rosetta Stone. (WWW, DVD)
Nelson and Abercomie take control of Napoleon's holdings in Egypt. The Journal is shipped to the U.K. and held at the British Museum. (WWW)
Jebidiah Allardice "Cookie" Farnsworth is born in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Forsthye Ezekial Farnsworth and Marina Sweetwater. (WWW, DVD)
Preston B. Whitmore is born. (WWW)
Wilhelmina Bertha Cudot [Packard] is born in Whippany, New Jersey to Lionel and Claudette Cudot. (WWW, DVD)
Fenton Q. Harcourt is born. (WWW)
Lyle Tiberius Rourke is born in Beaumont, Texas to Lt. Col. Jackson and Rachel Lee Rourke. (WWW, DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth joins the 7th Michigan Calvary Brigade under General McLellan. (DVD)
The Journal is borrowed by Ignatious Donnelly and smuggled to Ireland. (WWW, DVD)
The Shepherd's Journal is returned to Iceland. (WWW, DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth is tranferred to the 3rd Division, Calvary Corps, Army of the Potomac under General Pleasanton. (DVD)
Lt. Col. Jackson Rourke is killed at the Battle of Spotsylvania during the Civil War. (DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth shoots Confederate General Pettigrew at Falling Waters. (DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth follows Lt. Col. Custer to Fort Laramie, Wyoming as part of the 7th United States Calvary. (DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth tours with Lt. Col. Custer during the Sioux and Cheyenne Expedition. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] joins the Flora Dora Girls. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] marries U.S. Calvary Officer Dennis Whitehead. (DVD)
February 1871
U.S. Calvary Officer Dennis Whitehead dies. (DVD)
May 1871
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] marries Pennsylvania State Representative Grover Truman. (DVD)
July 1871
Rep. Grover Truman is arrested for bigamy and his marriage to Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] annuled. (DVD)
Joshua Strongbear Sweet is born in Bigelowe, Kansas to Corporal Moses and Jerika Sweet. (WWW, DVD)
Gaetan "Mole" Moliere is born in Paris, France to Christof and Gabrielle Moliere. (WWW, DVD)
July 1875
Lyle T. Rourke joins the U.S. Army. (DVD)
July-November 1875
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] works as a research assistant to Dr. Mahlon Loomis. She is also reputed to be his mistress. During this time she develops the Galvanometer and the concept of Hertzian Wave Application. (DVD)
Vincenzo Santorini is born in Palermo, Italy to Humberto and Fabiola Santorini. (WWW, DVD)
Wilhelmina Packard serves as Alexander Graham Bell's personal assistant. (WWW)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] marries no fewer than six husbands. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke rises to the rank of Artillery Sergeant. (DVD)
Jebidiah "Cookie" Farnsworth works as a buffalo hunter. (DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth leaves the army and moves to Houston, Texas. He rises to the position of Yard Boss for Whitmore Industries Stockyard and Feedlot. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke fights at the Wounded Knee uprising and censured for use of excessive force and refusal to acknowledge the white flag of surrender. (DVD)
Milo James Thatch is born in Fishkill, New York to Augustus and Lucille Thatch. (WWW, DVD)
Ignatious Donnelly publishes a book titled "Atlantis: The Antediluvian World" about the mysteries of Atlantis. (WWW, DVD)
Gaetan Moliere begins exploring the vast sewer networks beneath Paris. (DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth attends culinary school in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. He moves to New York and opens the Three Chestnut Restaurant. (DVD)
Helga Sinclair is born in Frankfurt, Germany to Army Major Alexander Sinclair and Frieda Jane Bowie. (WWW, DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives in Frankfurt, Germany. (DVD)
Augustus and Rose Thatch are killed in a railway accident. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke graduates second in class from West Point Academy. (DVD)
Gaetan Moliere develops specialized goggles and headgear for exploring caves. (DVD)
Jebidiah Farnsworth sells his restaurant at a loss and takes a position as Chef for the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. He is fired after an altercation with a customer, resulting in the customer being shot in the leg. (DVD)
June 1887
Lyle T. Rourke is married, but his wife leaves after four months. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives in Mannheim. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] works as a research assistant and eventually full partner to Dr. Nathan Stubblefield, developing the vibrating telephone. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke does a tour of duty with the Rough Riders. He is wounded seven times in battle, receives commendations for saving the life of a superior officer and for the leadership of 'C' Company under fire, and is censured for summary execution of prisoners. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives in Stuttgart. (DVD)
Thaddeus and Milo Thatch go on a hiking trip. Milo finds an Indian arrowhead in a stream. (Film)
The Chinese laundry next door to the flower shop owned by Humberto and Fabiola Santorini is destroyed in an unexplained explosion. The flower shop is forced to relocate. Vincenzo Santorini becomes obsessed with explosives. (DVD, Film)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] marries Dr. Nathan Stubblefield. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives at Torii Station. (DVD)
Gaetan Moliere enters the Sorbonne, but leaves soon to pursue a position as a special technical advisor with a local mining company. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives in Vicenza. (DVD)
Milo Thatch graduates from Buford Beaumont High School. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] divorces Dr. Nathan Stubblefield. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] marries and divorces Chichester Bell. (DVD)
Vincenzo Santorini mixes his own formula for TNT. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives at Camp Zama. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives in Yongsan. (DVD)
Milo Thatch accepts (and declines) admission to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Universities for advanced academic studies. (DVD)
Joshua Sweet recieves a doctorate in Internal Medicine from Howard University. (DVD)
Audrey Rocio Ramirez is born in Dearborn, Michigan to Manuel and Ana Ramirez. (WWW)
Milo Thatch begins a tenure at Oxford University, earning a double doctorate in Linguistic Theory and Dead Languages. (DVD)
Joshua Sweet recieves a doctorate in Botany from the University of Maryland. (DVD)
Joshua Sweet becomes a Doctor of Herbology in London. (DVD)
Joshua Sweet becomes the first colored professor to lecture at Harvard Medical School. (DVD)
Vincenzo Santorini is known as an accomplished amateur chemist who specializes in explosive compounds. (DVD)
The Sinclair Family lives at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke rises to the rank of Captain while fighting in the Spanish-American War. (DVD)
Joshua Sweet joins the military and begins a tour with the 1st United States Infantry (Rough Riders). (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] travels and works with Guglielmo Marconi. (DVD)
Vincenzo Santorini is established as an expert in his field. (DVD)
Vincenzo Santorini works Freelance Munitions and Ordinance placement for Milano Mining. (DVD)
Audrey Ramirez rebuilds a '96 Quadracycle Runabout. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke retires from the Army. (DVD)
Joshua Sweet finishes his tour with the Rough Riders. During this time he acted as a battlefield surgeon and personal physician to Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. (DVD)
Helga Sinclair is introduced to Lyle T. Rourke. She begins tactics and firearms training under him at the behest of her father. (DVD)
Audrey Ramirez begins working in her father's Automobile Repair Shop as a mechanic's assistant. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] develops the Sodion Non-Regenerative Detector. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] works as a research fellow for Victor Talking Machine. (DVD)
May 1903
Lyle T. Rourke begins a freelance career with the British Museum. (DVD)
August 1903
Helga Sinclair tours with Lyle T. Rourke to continue her training. (DVD)
Lyle T. Rourke leads an expedition to the Valley of Kings in Egypt. (DVD)
Vincenzo Santorini works as an Arson Specialist in Rome. (DVD)
Audrey Ramirez is promoted to full apprentice in her father's machine shop. (DVD)
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] develops the Bornite Moveable Cup Perkion Detector.
Milo Thatch works as a Museum Linguist/Translator and Cartographic Restoration Expert in Washington D.C.
Vincenzo Santorini works as a special consultant to Italia Bridge and Tunnel.
Vincenzo Santorini works as a Demolitions Expert for Sicily Construction.
Helga Sinclair studies Aikido in the Phillippines under Moreihei Usehsiba, attaining the rank of Yudansha-Yodan.
Wilhelmina Cudot [Packard] works for Atwater-Kent, helping to develop the Radak Type R-4 Regenerative Circuit and holding the sole patent for the Orthosonic Circuit.
January 1905
Milo Thatch is briefly involved with a girl named Lisa McGrath.
Lyle T. Rourke leads a return expedition to Egypt.
Joshua Sweet travels to India to study Ayurvedic Medicine at the Amrita Institute.
The Ramirez Family moves to Detroit.
Audrey Ramirez begins work at Henry Ford Automotive as a Journeyman Mechanic.
Vincenzo Santorini works as a Explosives Technician for Bentivegna Family Concrete and Olive Oil Importers.
Several delivery trucks belonging to Enrico Bentivegna's rivals are destroyed in an explosion.
Luca Addario approaches Vincenzo Santorini about a career change.
Vincenzo Santorini works as Technical Support and Advisor to Addario Meat Packing.
Enrico Bentivegna and four employees are killed in an explosion that consumes their two automobiles. Blame is placed on Vincenzo Santorini and he is sent to Delphi Prison for a sentence of 47 years.
Lyle T. Rourke leads an expedition to Bolivia and Peru under Professor Thaddeus Thatch to retrieve the Idol of the Sun.
Helga Sinclair marries U.S. Army First Lieutenant Christopher Jenkins.
Audrey Ramirez is given her first supervisory position.
Wilhelmina Cudot marries Curtis Packard.
Wilhelmina Packard works at Magnavox, developing the AC-3-C Battery.
Joshua Sweet travels to the Ivory Coast to study Tropical Medicine at the Prins Leopold Academy.
Lt. Christopher Jenkins is presumed dead.
Lyle T. Rourke leads an expedition for the Smithsonian Institution to Antarctica. He is credited with both the discovery and destruction of the lost city of Shub Nigruth.
Vincenzo Santorini receives a Master's Degree in Engineering and Demolitions from the Delphi Prison Corresponence Reform Program.
Audrey Ramirez is instrumental in labor negotiations with fledgling Automobile Workers unions.
Audrey Ramirez develops a prototype Assembly Line Production method.
Milo Thatch participates in an Academic Exchange Program, working in Paris at the Bibliotech National and the Prado Museum in Madrid.
Vincenzo Santorini receives a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from the Delphi Prison Corresponence Reform Program.
Audrey Ramirez develops a gear-driven centrifugal pump cooling system.
Audrey Ramirez assists in the development of beveled drive gears.
April 1911
Helga Sinclair is approached by Whitmore Industries.
Helga Sinclair teaches rifle and shotgun at Quantico, Virginia.
Vincenzo Santorini is released from prison.
The Shepherd's Journal is retrieved by an expedition funded by Preston Whitmore and led by Lyle T. Rourke under Thaddeus Thatch. The crew includes Helga Sinclair, Dr. Joshua Sweet, Vincenzo Santorini, Manuel Ramirez, Wilhelmina Packard, Gaetan Moliere, and Jebidiah Farnsworth. The Journal is brought to Washington D.C. for study.
December 5, 1911
Helga Sinclair becomes Preston Whitmore's bodyguard and chauffeur.
Audrey Ramirez assists in the development of the Ford Reduction-Gear Steering System (non-reversible).
Curtis Packard dies.
Joshua Sweet travels to Tulsa, Oklahoma to study Large Animal Veterinary Medicine at Baxter Academy.
Vincenzo Santorini works as a Mining Technical Overseer and a Hardrock Blasting Technician for Whitmore Industries.
Events of Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
Milo Thatch quits his job at the museum and is hired by Preston Whitmore.
A new expedition to Atlantis is launched, commanded by Lyle T. Rourke under Milo Thatch and funded by Preston Whitmore. The crew includes Helga Sinclair, Dr. Joshua Sweet, Vincenzo Santorini, Audrey Ramirez, Wilhelmina Packard, Gaetan Moliere, and Jebidiah Farnsworth.
The group travels to Atlantis using the Shepherd's Journal as a guide, losing over half the crew in the journey. Milo Thatch befriends Princess Kidagakash [Kida]. Commander Rourke discovers the whereabouts of the Heart of Atlantis and attempts to steal it. He kills King Nedakh.
Rourke is opposed by a mixed force consisting of members of the crew and Atlantean citizens led by Milo Thatch. Both Lyle Rourke and Helga Sinclair are killed in the fray. Atlantis is almost destroyed under a wave of lava which is halted by the power of the crystal. The surviving crew returns to the surface, keeping knowledge of their discovery confidental. Milo Thatch chooses to stay in Atlantis with Kida.