Milo & KidaFanlistingAffiliatesMain

The Milo & Kida Fanlisting

Welcome to the TFL-listed fanlisting for the relationship of Milo Thatch and Princess Kidagakash (Kida) from the 2001 Disney animated movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Use the navigation above to view the different sections of the site, and if you're a fan of Milo and Kida, please join!

Site Stats

Last updated: August 27, 2024
Member count: 2
Pending members: 0
Webmiss: Lisa

Latest Update

The site is up!

Credits & Etc.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire © Disney. This is an unofficial fansite and is unaffiliated with Disney. No revenue is derived from this fansite. The layout on this site features production artwork by Randy Haycock and John Pomeroy.